Your helpdesk, helping them to help you

Making Remote Access easy

Chances are that if your business uses a Microsoft Dynamics application, you pay to for a helpdesk service as insurance that help is readily available when you have a problem or a question. That service needs access to your system, as with the customisation that are easily possible for Dynamics applications in particular, you’ll be aware that different pages don’t even have to look even vaguely similar for different organisations.

This means that they need to be looking at the same system you are and often that means ‘dialling in’ (although in reality these days it’s not a dial in but a connection across the internet). That means they can get to the servers running your system and do the diagnosis or changes needed to give you the response you need.

In the organisation I run, we have seen the proliferation of specialist VPN or SSL devices to get this access, and I have to say, they significantly slow the response time that the organisations installing those devices get.

If I have to look up instructions, download and install software (maybe uninstalling other software it conflicts with but which I need for another customer), then configure it with the security details before even being able to try and connect that’s putting 20 minutes onto the response straight away. For a helpdesk with 15 plus people and over 250 customers systems to support, it just becomes a nightmare to manage.

Secondly, it also means that we have to have details of how to connect to your system logged on CRM for all of our teams to access when needed .That means in my organisation for instance, there are over 80 people who can see those details, because they might need them to do their job. It’s not exactly secure though is it? Do we change every customer’s password when someone leaves for example? No, it’s simply impractical to do that.

Compare that to where we have what is called a ‘site to site’ VPN. In this instance just two people in my company have access to the security details of how to connect to your systems. We setup a connection on one of our firewall systems. It’s monitored so that we will know if it’s failed before we have a urgent need to use it. In addition we log access across these types of connection so we have an audit trail of what happened, not possible with the other types. When someone leaves, we terminate their access to our network and that closes their access to yours.

Then if there is a site to site VPN we can have a hyperlink in our CRM system that connects the user straight through to your system; a login and password are still required. That means we can do it while on the phone with a much better chance of achieving a resolution of the issue on that first call. Even if your company as a policy of not leaving open access then all you have to do enable that account when it’s needed.

Why not make a service you pay for as effective as possible? With most Dynamics partners supporting ever increasing numbers of customer (it’s getting more popular) having specific setups just for you will not get you the best service. Ask them what method of connection and support that, it will pay off for you very quickly.

Alternatively of course, you could just move your Dynamics system to the cloud, access will be very standard there.

P.S. So within an hour of writing this, I received access details that are impossible because the 32bit software will not install on my Windows 10 64 bit machine – the customer will have to wait till I get back to my old laptop running 32bit windows 7 – see what I mean?

Author: James Crowter

I’m passionate about how businesses can improve their efficiency by getting process optimal more of the time. For the last twenty five years I’ve worked to help organisations of all sizes and types implement the ERP & CRM software that typically they decide they need when things are going wrong. I’ve seen that work unbelievably well and enabled those organisations to rapidly grow but I’ve also had some hard projects over that time where it’s felt more like warfare at times. Since 1996 (and version 1.01) I’ve been working with a small Danish product called Navision that’s now become Microsoft’s Dynamics NAV and I’ve also been using and consulting around Microsoft CRM since 2005. As managing Director of one of the longest established first Navision and now Microsoft Dynamics partners I’ve been involved in the complete history including numerous product councils and system design reviews. It’s my privilege to know many of the key Microsoft executives and product designers and have insight into both where the products are now and their future direction. So colleagues & clients have asked me to start this blog to share some of the insight that both this knowledge (obviously where not restricted by NDA’s or client confidentiality) and experience can help. Specifically I want to concentrate not on the specifics of how (there are some great blogs already for that) but why. If any user helps their business make better decisions or consultant can give better advice then that will be objective achieved. I founded Technology Management in 1992 and have led from the front ever since. Helping clients use technology to grow their business is my passion through explaining technology in terms that everyone can understand. My interest in computing began at the age of eight, long before my school had the equipment to cope. Throughout school and university I developed software commercially. I hold many IT certifications, such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV (for over 17 years), Microsoft Dynamics CRM (for over 10 years), as well as Microsoft Windows Server, Exchange and SQL. In October 2015, I was awarded the title of Most Valuable Professional (MVP), a title given to a select few individuals (31 currently) across the world specifically for Dynamics NAV. After years of working with a range of distribution and manufacturing software for hundreds of organisations, I focus on understanding the business requirements of an organisation, what it will take to deliver the systems required to maximise their potential. Follow me online via my other social channels: - Twitter: @jamescrowter - LinkedIn: Or email me directly at james[.]crowter[@]

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